Welcome from the President

President Okumura

Owing to your support all the time, Fujita Corporation has marked its 106th anniversary this year. I’m glad to inform you that our company is doing well and keeping good business conditions. We sincerely express our gratitude for your continuous support again.

On the other hand, the construction industry is facing serious issues to be solved such as construction labor shortage and decrease of long working hours. Under these circumstances, it’s vital for us to accomplish constructions of related facilities for “Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics in 2020 Ewithin upcoming three years. Fujita Corporation will make efforts to contribute to the accomplishments with our best ability.

One of the best solutions for the construction labor shortage issue will be to accomplish our productivity and efficiency improvement as soon as possible. Therefore, we are positively revolutionizing our construction methods by utilizing BIM/CIM, IoT and AI. We will continuously make efforts to meet our clients Ediversified needs by improving efficiency and decreasing construction costs.

In addition, we are now focusing on work style reform, and in order to realize better work-life balance, measures such as promotion of taking holidays, adoption of telecommuting system and efficiency improvement through reconstruct of business core system have being undertaken. We are aiming to realize motivated workplace to provide better services to you.

As a member of Daiwa House Group, we are working hard towards providing more value and service than ever with you by fulfilling our total potential.

Finally, we truly appreciate your continued guidance and support.

President & CEO
Yoji Okumura