Fujita Corporation Press Release
Released:06 Jan 2014

New Year's Greeting address

The following is the summary of the New Year's Greeting address, made by Fujita's President Mr. Takuji Ueda at the meeting conducted earlier today.

January 6, 2014 (Mon), 8:30AM ~ 9:00AM
SYD Hall (Sendagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)

The New Year has arrived. At this time, our company is attaining the opportunity for momentous growth. In order to aspire the company towards the continuation of the growth, it is vitally important to be aware of the concept of shingitai, which refers to balancing of heart, skill, and body.

"Heart" refers to the fact that our company stayed grounded in its principals of integrity, true progressive spirit, reflecting the very corporate philosophy that remained unchanged over the century-long history.

"Skill" aspect is reflected in the continued dedication of providing our clients with great value by utilizing the VE (Value Engineering) method, as well as the adept implementation of the PDCA, a Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle. All of the above is being achieved while in the midst of our continued efforts to improve and polish the technologies.

The comprehensive strength of a company is reflected in its greatest asset - human resources, a "Body". Company in the midst of the continued growth necessities its human asset to be able to act and think as "Our Own Business Affair", having attuned with the balancing act of the shingitai. Armed with the mindset of continued growth, we must focus on nurturing the human asset who are able to implement the aforementioned in practice.

Last year, our entry into the Daiwa House Group of companies brought about a new symbol, the one of Endless Heart, now engraved onto our business cards, as well as the company flag. While in tune with our own corporate philosophy, the Endless Heart mark goes on to represent the richness of the [human] heart ("heart") and the tireless work in accomplishing the goals ("endless").

Strengthening of the core business necessary for the sustained growth and reaffirming the mission of Our Company will undoubtedly lead to mounting of our strong presence. Nowadays, we have great expectations of the significant growth.

United as One while staying true to our corporate philosophy and alongside the continued cooperation with the subcontractors, let us extend our utmost effort in making this year the one that brings about Fujita's sustained growth and rejuvenation as a result not only for Fujita, but as a collective effort of the entire Group.

Fujita Corporation
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