Fujita Corporation Press Release
Released:30 Nov 2011

Students of a Technical High School in Hiroshima visited Fujita's site

39 students in first grade and one teacher of the Hiroshima Municipal Technical High School visited our building construction site (New Building Construction for the Higashi Hiroshima Municipal Government Building, constructed by a specific Joint Venture by Fujita Corporation, Konoike Construction and Soken Home Construction).

The observation tour has been being consecutively held for five years, and we hosted the tour as a part of our Construction Education Campaign to reply to the school's request in order for students to learn actual situations, attractiveness and various experience on construction sites.

In the tour, firstly the site manager explained the outline of the site and the anti-seismic construction method. Then students toured the site. The students showed much interest in the anti-seismic foundation, assembly process of reinforcement bars and casting concrete.

At the question and answer session, many questions were given such as "why water is casted to forms and how works are implemented on rainy days?"

We positively continue this activity in order for young persons to learn pleasure to work in construction industry and to nurture attention to environments and urban developments.

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